Tag Archives: Personalized Marketing Messages

How to Craft Personalized Marketing Messages to Boost Customer Loyalty

Personalized Marketing Messages

Do you know that Amazon is the pioneer of personalized marketing messages? The company uses sophisticated analytics to customize products offered to its shoppers. It normally sends a confirmation email after a purchase, with suggested bundle offers relevant to the recent item, bought by the customer. Recently, Amazon launched the Prime Wardrobe services for Prime members. Through such services, a team of stylists will do personalized recommendations from millions of brands across Amazon.  

Modern shoppers expect a personalized experience among brands. That is why brands and businesses should craft customized messages relevant to each shopper. This can differentiate them from their competitors and enable them to survive. On a scale, personalized marketing messages lift total sales by 2% plus reduce marketing costs by 10 to 20%. They have also proven to drive customer loyalty and retention. As a result of positive customer interaction, they yield 3x higher return on investment (ROI) than mass promotions. Below, feel free to know how to craft personalized marketing messages to boost customer loyalty.

3 Fast Facts About Personalized Marketing Messages

A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong has noted 3 fast facts about personalized marketing messages. These are:

  • 2 in 3 online shoppers would rather buy from brands that are aware of their purchase history.
  • 72% of online shoppers engage with marketing messages crafted according to their interests.
  • 90% of customers find irrelevant marketing messages annoying.

These fast facts further showed that modern customers prefer marketing messages that feature product details, make them laugh, relevant to their interests, and tell a good story. If a brand is successful in crafting personalized marketing messages, it will eventually achieve brand loyalty, conversion, customer retention, and engagement. On the reverse side, a brand that fails to craft personalized marketing messages drives customers away and fails. 

Tips to Craft Personalized Marketing Messages to Boost Customer Loyalty

There are three categories where brands and businesses can craft personalized marketing messages to boost customer loyalty. These are through email, in-app messaging, and text.

Personalized emails increase click-through rates by 41%. It is important to add first names to your subject line. A person’s name is the sweetest word one can ever hear or read. It increases an email open rate by 20% and reduces the unsubscription rate by 17%. As an extra pro tip, it is best to keep your subject line at 25-30 characters. This makes them mobile-friendly. Remember that a majority of modern shoppers access their email on mobile devices. If an online shopper abandoned a shopping cart, send them a reminder email possibly with a discount code to entice sales. Alternatively, brands can also send behavior-triggered emails when an online shopper completes a certain action on the website. This type of email increases the open rate by 70.5%. Through an automation system, behavior-triggered emails are commonly sent to customers who click the buy button, download an eBook, and sign up for a subscription, etc. According to a social media agency Hong Kong, one way to drive viral growth via personalized marketing messages is to encourage customers to share congratulatory emails on their social media accounts. 

One way to improve the content of an email marketing message today is by adding a video like what a video marketing agency Hong Kong does. The most effective email messages are limited to around 50 to 125 words. So, adding a video to the email can help brands engagingly convey more information. Besides, adding the word “video” on an email subject line increases the open rate by 6%. A 2-minute video is recommended as great email content. 

Personalized in-app messaging provides an exciting journey among online shoppers. Most modern consumers download apps on their devices to make their shopping experience convenient and easier. These shopping apps allow them to access and explore new products and services anytime and anywhere. In-app messages are hyper-targeted messages sent to a user when they are actively online on a shopping app. They allow brands and businesses to send a message to the customer or prospect at the right timing. These include customer support, product updates, relevant updates, etc.  Some best practices using in-app marketing messages are 

  • Sending welcome notes with quick beginner’s tutorials
  • Sending daily users with referral codes or special discounts with a simple redemption process
  • Creating pre-built templates to highlight exciting user data or shareable brand stories

Personalized text messages can also add value to a brand’s overall marketing campaign. SMS messages are cheaper and more personal than other forms of marketing messages. Through text messaging, brands can send a welcome offer guiding users on how to explore the brand’s app or website. Creating a unique coupon code can make the receiver of a text message feel more special and evokes brand connection. Modern customers also prefer to get appointment reminders, confirmation of a reservation, or status alerts. Brands can use text messaging to complete them together with a help desk link to cross the extra mile in providing customer service. It is also best to remember investing in a two-way text messaging platform. Reply to text messages received from customers and prospects. SMS yield a 45% response rate and this can make a big difference to the success of your marketing messages.

Reference: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/10-ways-to-personalize-your-marketing-messaging-to-create-loyal-customers/600643/