Tag Archives: Twitter Video Ads

Video Creation Tips from Twitter

Video Creation Tips from Twitter.

Are videos popular on Twitter? The answer is a resounding YES! Video marketing takes off on Twitter as it gives a new world of opportunities among brands and businesses. 

A video marketing agency Hong Kong has noted that even though Twitter is a text-based platform, video has found its place on the microblogging site. Two billion people watch Twitter videos daily. They also get the Twitter nation to take action. Video tweets get 10x more engagement than tweets with videos. The time spent on watching video ads is 26% higher on Twitter than other social media networks.

It just shows that video marketing can be an effective digital strategy in the Twitter platform. Below, here are some video creation tips from Twitter itself!


A social media agency Hong Kong highlights 5 reasons why you should use videos on Twitter. 

  • Native videos work well on Twitter. A major number of consumers favored Twitter video ads because they perceive them as less jarring and most relevant. They break in the consumers’ attention more quickly than other premium social media sites. 
  • Twitter is a mobile content platform. Almost 90% of the world’s population used mobile devices. On Twitter, 93% of video views happened on mobile apps. The platform also allows brands and businesses to easily create and share videos. Thus, video creation on Twitter means a larger reach. 
  • Twitter Live videos are exploding. Since Twitter acquired Periscope, a live streaming app, it created new opportunities to level up live streaming on the platform. Today, Twitter live videos become an experience not only for professional content creators but even for small brands and businesses. The new Periscope video tools level up live broadcasts for everyone.
  • Twitter Videos spark meaningful conversations. A unique feature of Twitter is conversational ads. It includes a call-to-action (CTA) button to customize hashtags and encourage conversations. Twitter videos paired with conversational ads have greatly driven conversations. As such, these video ads earned media exposure for brands and businesses at no extra cost. 
  • Videos on Twitter get 10x more engagement. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong reports that tweets with videos get 10x more engagement than tweets without videos. Videos are the most shared type of content within the microblogging platform.
  1. Tweets with videos are retweeted more than 6x than tweets with photos. 
  2. Tweets with videos are retweeted more than 3x than tweets with GIFs. 


Twitter has recently published video creation tips to help boost the video strategy of brands and businesses. The list is based on composition notes and engagement trends in the app. 

  • Bring the brand back. Bring back the brand by showing its message within the first three seconds of a Twitter video ad. A brand message conveyed in the first 3 seconds of a video ad increases overall metrics by 13%. While displaying the brand in a video content increase recall by 25%. It is, thus, critical to making a brand stand out quickly to grab the target audiences’ attention.
  • Clearly position your logo. A logo represents a brand or a business. Clearly positioning your logo on Twitter video ads increases brand recall by 30%. Twitter recommends logo placement on the upper-left corner of the frame. Using a dynamic logo can also add up to 14% unaided brand recall. 
  • Have a sound-off strategy. Since Twitter is a mobile content platform, most viewers watch Twitter video ads sound-off. It is because they browse while chatting with family & friends, commuting, or in the workroom. They typically consume Twitter videos on the go. To capture these on the go mobile viewers, use text captions and descriptions. They drive a 28% longer view time than Twitter videos without captions.
  • Keep it short and simple. Modern consumers have a short attention span. So, it is important to grab the audiences’ attention in the first few seconds of a Twitter video. Twitter videos should also be kept at or under 15 seconds in length. Like a content copy under 100 characters, shorter Twitter videos result in 5% higher metrics breakthrough. 
  • Open with a product. Today, brands and businesses should focus more on the content of a Twitter video ad. The opening of a video ad should start with a product to increase click intent by 34% and positive interest by 24%. Highlighting human interaction on the product can also increase overall response from the Twitter nation by 40%.


Video marketing is an effective strategy to promote brands, products, and services. It is an effective marketing approach not only on Twitter but for all social media platforms as well. 

Reference: https://twitter.com/TwitterBusiness/status/1453040904609095684