The Benefits of Content Curation to Social Media

The Benefits of Content Curation to Social Media

Content curation is a valuable digital marketing strategy. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, curated content highlights industry expertise and provides extra value to your social media followers. Just like a museum curator, it displays the best artifacts and artworks to engage your audiences. Below, let us discuss the benefits of content curation in social media.


social media agency Hong Kong defines content curation as sharing content created by others to give more value to your social media audiences. It involves discovering, gathering, and presenting pieces of content around a certain category, industry, niche, or topic. It may include an article, blog post, expert advice, infographics, news, videos, etc.

Technically, to curate means to collect. Thus, social media content curation is as simple as filtering interesting posts across the web. Brands and businesses gathered and share their links to provide relevant and valuable information for their target audiences.


Consistent posting of quality content on social media boosts the visibility of a brand or business. Content curation can help upgrade your social media strategy. Here’s how!

It Adds Unique Insights to Help You Become a Thought Leader 

The first step through though leadership is to provide answers to your audiences’ queries. With content curation, you can research for answers and lend them with your original works. Besides, you can provide references to validate your claims. 

Curated content can be the focus of a brand or business among aggregation apps, community forums, email newsletters, podcasts, and RSS feeds. A video marketing agency Hong Kong also uses content creation on YouTube channels. By doing so, brands and businesses can find what their audiences love and place themselves as thought leaders. 

It Builds Communities

The best way to spread brand awareness in social media is having dedicated communities of followers. You need a lot of content to do so. Content curation keeps the feeds of social media pages full. These capture people’s interests by educating them. They also help build credibility and trust, resulting in a loyal community of followers.

It Increases Social Signals

Social signals are comments, likes, reactions, saves, and shares received by social media posts. Using content curation in social media, brands and businesses can boost conversions of these social signals. It leads to better SEO ranking and visibility. The top-performing content curation formats are articles, expert roundups, infographics, listicles, and statistics.

It Keeps Your Content Calendar Full

Content curation to social media helps brands and businesses keep their content calendar full. They are an easy hack to easily post on social media pages. Some creative and quick content curation hacks are:

  • Asking a question or giving an opinion to a shared post.
  • A brief summary of why people should read an article or blog.
  • Quoting or picking out a stat.
  • Simply hitting the retweet button.

The key is to ensure adding a personal twist for branding. The more creative a brand or business gets, the better!

It Mixes Up Original Content to Avoid Looking Too Self-Promotional

A good rule of thumb when posting on social media is to create 40$ of original content and share 60% of curated content. It helps a brand or business avoid looking too self-promotional. Even the best bloggers don’t talk about themselves all the time. Content curation also makes your social media post look more balance. 

It Opens Up Networking

When you share content, it opens up new relationships with the author. It can be an advertiser, another brand or business, a creator, or a Facebook page or community. Content curation can be enough for these people to notice a brand or business. It also makes brands and businesses visible to their followers. As such, content curation opens up networking.
